Sustabinability is big business today and will be in the future

Madrid, July 5, 2022.- The industry, business culture and vision around sustainability and the circular economy gain importance. Companies of all sizes and turnover are interested in hiring professionals to help them create this initiative. Experts say that it is the … Continue reading Sustabinability is big business today and will be in the future

El mayor Tratado de Libre Comercio: Asia-Pacífico toma la delantera al resto del mundo

Madrid, 8 de diciembre del 2020.-    El capitalismo nunca duerme. A pesar de sufrir la mayor pandemia sanitaria y recesión mundial de los últimos 100 años, la región Asia Pacífico ha dado un golpe en la mesa para firmar el mayor … Continue reading El mayor Tratado de Libre Comercio: Asia-Pacífico toma la delantera al resto del mundo

The Crossroads of Managing Compliance

Madrid, October 27, 2020.-  In the current difficult circumstances of today and for all companies operating in developed economies around the world, the management of compliance is experiencing a decisive development period which might become critical for their survival. The Covid19 pandemic still lacks a clear horizon of certainties, with no date for its eradication and its coexistence among human beings as just another virus.  

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What´s the real influence of the World Economic Forum in Davos?

My conclusion is that the big meetings with political and business leaders, the great regional or world summits, are important and can point to trucks of solutions for complex problems. However, the big conclusions need to be built in each country, in each company and in each household. Continue reading What´s the real influence of the World Economic Forum in Davos?

Has the Welfare State died in the Blockchain era and the cryptocurrencies/ digital currencies?

UK, December 11, 2017.- Climate change can be denied, but it is clear that the climate has changed in the last 50 years. The death of the Welfare State can be denied, but the population pyramid has changed drastically. And technology, added to finances, looks for new ways to guarantee our level of purchase and the future of pensions.

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Should CEOs be actively involved in big business today?

UK, September 10, 2017.- In the face of major events in major cities and western countries, citizens are seeking arguments. Public authorities, experts, politicians, and ultimately, people to rely on. Within these groups, business leaders are a voice to take into account, because they are involved only in the big issues of today. CEOs can influence opinion trends and must analyze their role. I have had the opportunity to read the following analysis on CEO activism written by Sebastian Reiche at IESE Business School:

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Uber: From technological innovation to resignations and management scandals

Last July publish in this Blog a case of successful management like Apple. In August I bring a business case with less success: Uber. The technological giants carry out negotiations that appear in all business schools. Some are examples of management to study and draw positive conclusions when managing multinationals. However, business failures sometimes also serve to draw conclusions from what should not be done. Uber has a dubious reputation in many countries because he enters as “an elephant in a hardware store”. I say this with all due respect, of course. I read this information from the New York Times that seems to me the most fair to Uber’s business reality Continue reading Uber: From technological innovation to resignations and management scandals

Meryl Streep: Teaching Leadership at Film Awards

UK, January 13, 2017. Perhaps annual American film awards are not the first place where you will find a leadership lesson. Surely not. Universities, Business Schools, Bibliography of experts and the companies themselves, are more suitable places to find this knowledge. Nevertheless, in the last edition of the Golden Globes Awards that gives the press extrenajera to the American cinema happened this:

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#Management is to manage your human capital talent

Monday, September 14, 2015. The perception of talent in the team of your company is a very sensitive task. And once registered the added value of every manager and employee, you have to manage and drive in line with the Business Plan. These activities require time, more in some people, and less in others. It depends on the viability of the first financial year in change management. Liz Ryan, an expert in HR and Manegement, has a fixed edition of Forbes magazine section. His pen is incisive and match their thesis is sometimes complex. However, the following reflection of Liz I have found interesting:

Luis Morral CEO Doka Ibérica Continue reading “#Management is to manage your human capital talent”